terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2008

Activities Atividades

Voices for Change Vozes para a Mudança .

Todos os dias vítimas de tráfico humano enfrentam um mundo sem possibilidade. These victims have endured worse than what most of us can imagine and they have overcome difficult odds to survive in a harsh reality. Estas vítimas têm suportado pior do que aquilo que a maioria de nós pode imaginar e eles têm a chance de superar difícil sobreviver em uma dura realidade. Their courage is something we can all aspire to. A sua coragem é algo que podemos aspirar a todas.
No longer will we look upon these young people as helpless. Já não vai olhar para nós como estes jovens indefesos. They are strong individuals with much to offer the world and their voices call for global change. Eles são fortes os indivíduos com muito para oferecer ao mundo e suas vozes globais apelo à mudança. The Somaly Mam Foundation will ensure that these voices are exposed to the world and from those who have struggled through the pain of slavery will arise a new generation of leaders who stand for freedom and justice. O Somaly Mam Fundação irá garantir que essas vozes sejam expostos ao mundo e daqueles que têm lutado com a dor da escravidão irá surgir uma nova geração de líderes que se empenham pela liberdade e pela justiça.
Through various forms of media and strategic partnerships, the Voices for Change Campaign will share the stories, thoughts, and opinions of former slaves. Através de várias formas de mídia e parcerias estratégicas, do Exprime a Campanha Mude irão compartilhar as histórias, pensamentos e opiniões dos antigos escravos. The campaign will help educate the public about modern day slavery and help them understand the intricacies of the issue on a personal level. A campanha vai ajudar a educar o público sobre a escravatura moderna dia e ajudá-los a compreender os meandros da questão a nível pessoal. Advocacy - The Redlight Children Campaign

Through the Redlight Children Campaign, the Somaly Mam Foundation aims to globally decrease demand for child sex trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children. One of the ways it seeks to accomplish this is by pressuring governments to enact or amend legislation to address the issue more effectively and to allocate more resources towards enforcement of laws designed to combat child exploitation. We aim to increase deterrence, make it more difficult and costly for perpetrators to sexually abuse children, increase the likelihood of catching perpetrators, and make prosecution faster, easier, and more efficient.
Our advocacy program focuses on laws and enforcement efforts relating to internet chat rooms, child pornography, sex tourism, and extraterritorial enforcement. Passing comprehensive legislation addressing these issues, increasing enforcement efforts, and allocating additional resources to these areas can help significantly reduce the sexual exploitation of children worldwide.

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